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Questions from Lecture 1 (Berg):

  • Why are the dots on the “Diagnostics in focal plane of Spectrometer” so evenly spaced?
  • What is the real world example of measuring emittance?
  • (2) Describe the focal plane diagnostics of the spectrometer in more detail
  • (2) l doesn't appear to have a dependence on anything. Can you clarify how l(t) transforms? How exactly is l define?
  • Can you show a (x|a)!=0 case
  • (4) Why is sigma matrix symmetric? What is definition of sigma_21? How do we create the 6×6 ellipse matrix?
  • How does the x-Theta measurement setup look like (measure orientation of ellipse)
  • Definition of Louisville Theorem?
  • How do we define the central ray?
  • R11, R12, R21, R22 - can more than one be zero?
/srv/thewikis/JIOSS/data/attic/questions_area.1536602669.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/10 14:04 by schatz