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 +====== The NSCL S800 spectrograph ======
 +Welcome to the wiki page of the NSCL S800 spectrograph. The page provides technical information about the S800, as well as instructions to operate the S800 prior to and during an experiment. 
 +===== Technical Aspects of the S800 =====
- The S800 spectrograph +  * [[Introduction]] 
- Brief technical details +  * [[Stations]] 
- Precise angular and momentum measurements +  * [[Magnets]] 
- High acceptance to cover large emittances of RNB +  * [[Modes of Operation]] 
- Layout / magnets +  * [[Determination of Angles and Momentum]] 
- Figures of merit +  * [[Detectors]] 
- Modes of operation +  * [[Electronics]] 
- How are angle and momentum measured? +  * [[Data Acquisition (DAQ)]] 
- Ion optics +  * [[S800 Software]] 
- Detectors +  * Coupled Devices 
- SCI OBJ +  * [[Types of Experiments]]
- TPPACs +
- CRDCs +
- IC +
- Hodoscope +
- Electronics +
- Diagrams +
- Triggers +
- Signal optimization+
- Software +===== Operation of the S800 =====
- Log in to use different applications +
- Barney +
- Bklq +
- Panel Mates +
- DAQ +
-  +
- Experiment types +
- Coulex +
- CE +
- Knockout +
- ... +
- Support detectors (Background suppression): +
- Gamma  +
- SeGA +
- Neutron  +
- Charge particle +
- HiRA +
- Organization of responsibilities: device physicist vs. experimenter (training) +
- Planning an experiment with the S800+
 +==== Magnets ====
 +=== Spectrograph Dipoles ===
 +Each S800 dipole [3] weights 70 Tons and has a 15 cm gap. The bending radii and angle are 2.8 m and 75°, respectively. The magnet has five main pieces: two top slabs, the inner and outer side yokes, and the pole tip assembly. The maximum current supplied to the coil is 450 A, translating into a 1.6 T maximum central magnetic field, and a maximum magnetic rigidity of about 4 Tm.  Trim coils are installed on the inner and outer radii of the dipoles to achieve a uniform field near the edges of the magnet. The operating current of the trim coils is 43.75% the value of the magnets. A liquid helium feed circuit brings liquid helium through a heat exchanger at the top of the magnet  and delivers the liquid into the bottom of the coils. The helium overflowing the coils fills the dewar to provide cooling for the incoming liquid. Liquid nitrogen is supplied at the bottom of each side. A 0.25 dissipative resistor with a short decay constant is connected to a coil protection switch. In case of cryogenic failure, the switch reroutes the power supplied to the circuit into the resistor. The dipole steel has a 30° edge angle, so that particles are defocused and focused in the dispersive and non-dispersive directions, respectively. The inner and outer radii of the dipoles include trim coils to guarantee the uniformity of the field near the edge.  NMR probes are installed in the flat field region to measure the absolute field setting during operation.
 +=== Spectrograph Quadrupole Doublet ===
 +In order to maximize the acceptance of the spectrograph, a doublet of superconducting quadrupoles is installed upstream of the two main dipoles [3]. The doublet focuses  the transmitted particles first in the non-dispersive and then in the dispersive directions. The quadrupoles are the iron-dominated type used in the NSCL beamlines, but with larger dimensions.  The pole tip of each quad has a length of 30 cm, and a radius of 12 cm for the first quad and  21 cm for the second one, i.e. almost twice and three times larger than the beamline quadrupoles, respectively.  The doublet weights 5 Tons, including the sextupole at the end of the second quad. The field gradient  of the first quadrupole is 19.7 T/m at a maximum operation current of 86 A. The field gradient of the second one is  7.5 T/m at a maximum operation current of 90 A.  Both quadrupoles have cryogenic Hall generators mounted on the pole tips to measure the  field gradient during operation.  The quadrupoles don’t have protection circuit since they can quench with no damage to the coils.
 +=== Spectrograph Sextupole ===
 +The only high-order magnet included in the S800 is a sextupole coil  installed around the bore tube of Q2. The purpose of this element is to correct the broadening of the beam at the focal plane due to the dominant (x|2) aberration. This defines a narrower trajectory of the beam, allowing the use of a beam blocker at the focal plane to block the unreacted beam when its magnetic rigidity is close to the tuned setting. 
 +====== Headline ======
 +====== Headline ======
 +====== Headline ======
 +====== Level 1 Headline ======
 +===== Level 2 Headline =====
 +==== Level 3 Headline ====
 +=== Level 4 Headline ===
 +== Level 5 Headline ==
 +  * Unordered List Item
 +  *   * Unordered List Item
 +  *   * Unordered List Item
 +  *     * Unordered List Item
 +* Technical Introduction
 +  * Ion optics
 +  * Detectors
 +      * SCI OBJ
 +      * TPPACs
 +      * CRDCs
 +      * IC
 +      * FPSCI
 +      * Hodoscope
 +  * Electronics
 +      * Diagrams
 +      * Triggers
 +      * Signal optimization
 +  * Software
 +      * Log in to use different applications
 +      * Barney
 +      * Bklq
 +      * Panel Mates
 +  * DAQ
 +  * Experiment types
 +      * Coulex
 +      * CE
 +      * Knockout
 +      * ...
 +  * Supported detectors (Background suppression):
 +      * Gamma 
 +      * CAESAR
 +      * SeGA
 +      * GRETINA
 +      * Neutron
 +      * LENDA
 +      * Charge particle
 +      * HiRA
 +  * Organization of responsibilities: device physicist vs. experimenter (training)
 +  * Planning an experiment with the S800
 The S800 [xx] is a superconducting spectrograph used for reaction studies with high-energy radioactive beams produced at the NSCL Coupled-Cyclotron Facility (CCF) and the A1900 Separator [xx]. It was designed for high-precision measurements of scattering angles (ΔΘ=2) and momentum (p/Δp=2×104), and large momentum and solid-angle acceptances (ΔΩ=20 msr, Δp=6%). The S800 layout is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of two parts: the analysis line and the spectrograph. The analysis line extends from the object position to the target station. It includes four 22.5° dipoles, five quadrupole triplets, and two vertically steering magnets, assembled in two segments with configurations QQQ-H-DD-QQQ (segment 6) and QQQ-DD-H-QQQ-QQQ (segment 7) symmetrically oriented around an intermediate image plane. The spectrograph consist of two quadrupoles, a small sextupole and two big 75° assembled in a QQ-S-DD configuration (segment 8) that spans vertically from the target station to the focal plane. Table xxx summarizes the features of the different superconducting magnets.  The S800 [xx] is a superconducting spectrograph used for reaction studies with high-energy radioactive beams produced at the NSCL Coupled-Cyclotron Facility (CCF) and the A1900 Separator [xx]. It was designed for high-precision measurements of scattering angles (ΔΘ=2) and momentum (p/Δp=2×104), and large momentum and solid-angle acceptances (ΔΩ=20 msr, Δp=6%). The S800 layout is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of two parts: the analysis line and the spectrograph. The analysis line extends from the object position to the target station. It includes four 22.5° dipoles, five quadrupole triplets, and two vertically steering magnets, assembled in two segments with configurations QQQ-H-DD-QQQ (segment 6) and QQQ-DD-H-QQQ-QQQ (segment 7) symmetrically oriented around an intermediate image plane. The spectrograph consist of two quadrupoles, a small sextupole and two big 75° assembled in a QQ-S-DD configuration (segment 8) that spans vertically from the target station to the focal plane. Table xxx summarizes the features of the different superconducting magnets. 
 The analysis line can be used in two different modes. In the focus mode, the maximum momentum acceptance is achieved (±2%) by making the analysis line achromatic (with maximum dispersion at the intermediate image plane).In this mode the position of the fragment at the spectrograph focal plane is sensitive to the momentum of the beam impinging on the target. Consequently  the momentum of each particle beam must be tracked, significantly limiting the resolution at the focal plane (to about 1 part in 1000 in energy). In the dispersion-matching mode the whole system (analysis line + spectrograph) is achromatic in the focal plane. The analysis line is therefore highly dispersive (about 11 cm/%) at the target position, limiting the momentum acceptance to ±0.5%. This mode provides the highest possible energy resolution (1 part in 5000 for a 1-mm wide beam spot), since it does not require momentum tracking. The figures of merit of the S800 are summarized in Table 2. Details on the ion-optics can be found in section 1.2. The analysis line can be used in two different modes. In the focus mode, the maximum momentum acceptance is achieved (±2%) by making the analysis line achromatic (with maximum dispersion at the intermediate image plane).In this mode the position of the fragment at the spectrograph focal plane is sensitive to the momentum of the beam impinging on the target. Consequently  the momentum of each particle beam must be tracked, significantly limiting the resolution at the focal plane (to about 1 part in 1000 in energy). In the dispersion-matching mode the whole system (analysis line + spectrograph) is achromatic in the focal plane. The analysis line is therefore highly dispersive (about 11 cm/%) at the target position, limiting the momentum acceptance to ±0.5%. This mode provides the highest possible energy resolution (1 part in 5000 for a 1-mm wide beam spot), since it does not require momentum tracking. The figures of merit of the S800 are summarized in Table 2. Details on the ion-optics can be found in section 1.2.
 In the S800, the angles, positions and energy of the fragments in the reaction target are determined from the angles and positions measured at the focal plane.  The transformation of focal-plane coordinates into target coordinates is done using an inverse transfer matrix calculated by the COSY code [xx] from the measured field maps of the magnets [xx]. In order to correct the high-order aberrations of the system, the transfer matrix is calculated up to fifth order. This order is sufficient to achieve a precision comparable to the resolution of the detectors. (This method is extensively described in appendix A.) The identification of the fragments produced in the reaction target is done by combining the measurements of their time-of-flight and the energy loss in an ionization chamber. In addition, the incoming beam can be tracked before the reaction target using two xxx located in the intermediate image plane of the analysis line. In the S800, the angles, positions and energy of the fragments in the reaction target are determined from the angles and positions measured at the focal plane.  The transformation of focal-plane coordinates into target coordinates is done using an inverse transfer matrix calculated by the COSY code [xx] from the measured field maps of the magnets [xx]. In order to correct the high-order aberrations of the system, the transfer matrix is calculated up to fifth order. This order is sufficient to achieve a precision comparable to the resolution of the detectors. (This method is extensively described in appendix A.) The identification of the fragments produced in the reaction target is done by combining the measurements of their time-of-flight and the energy loss in an ionization chamber. In addition, the incoming beam can be tracked before the reaction target using two xxx located in the intermediate image plane of the analysis line.
 The optical coordinates used in the S800 are described in relation to a central trajectory passing through the center of the S800 magnets, and with the reference momentum given by p_0=qBρ_0  , where ρ_0 is the central bend radius for the dipole, B is the dipole field and q is the ionic charge. The coordinates used in ion-opticcs are the longitudinal distance z along the reference path; and the transversal (perpendicular to z) distances x and y with respect to the  reference trajectory in the dispersive and non-dispersive directions, respectively. The angles  and  are referred with respect to the z axis in the xz-plane and yz-plane, respectively. The momentum coordinate is defined according to the equation + 1 = p / p0 where p is the momentum of the particle. The coordinate l is the distance traveled along the central trajectory in relation to the reference particle, l+1=z/z0…… In ion-optics, the state of a charged particle exposed to the action of an electromagnetic field is characterized by a vector (x y θ ∅ l δ). The coordinates of a charged particle change due to the action of an electromagnetic field. This change can be expressed in terms of a transfer matrix, according to: The optical coordinates used in the S800 are described in relation to a central trajectory passing through the center of the S800 magnets, and with the reference momentum given by p_0=qBρ_0  , where ρ_0 is the central bend radius for the dipole, B is the dipole field and q is the ionic charge. The coordinates used in ion-opticcs are the longitudinal distance z along the reference path; and the transversal (perpendicular to z) distances x and y with respect to the  reference trajectory in the dispersive and non-dispersive directions, respectively. The angles  and  are referred with respect to the z axis in the xz-plane and yz-plane, respectively. The momentum coordinate is defined according to the equation + 1 = p / p0 where p is the momentum of the particle. The coordinate l is the distance traveled along the central trajectory in relation to the reference particle, l+1=z/z0…… In ion-optics, the state of a charged particle exposed to the action of an electromagnetic field is characterized by a vector (x y θ ∅ l δ). The coordinates of a charged particle change due to the action of an electromagnetic field. This change can be expressed in terms of a transfer matrix, according to:
 The standard detection system of the S800 includes a plastic scintillator at the object station; two tracking detector at the detector station in the Intermediate Image plane; a pair of cathode readout drift chambers (CRDC) located about 1 m apart; a multi-segmented ion chamber, and four large plastic scintillators of thicknesses 3 mm, 5 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm, respectively. The standard detection system of the S800 includes a plastic scintillator at the object station; two tracking detector at the detector station in the Intermediate Image plane; a pair of cathode readout drift chambers (CRDC) located about 1 m apart; a multi-segmented ion chamber, and four large plastic scintillators of thicknesses 3 mm, 5 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm, respectively.
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 Cathode Readout Drift Chambers (CRDC) Cathode Readout Drift Chambers (CRDC)
 Two Cathode Readout Drift Chamber (CRDC) are used  to measure the transversal positions and angles in  the focal plane. The first detector (CRDC1) is located at the nominal optical focal plane, and it is separated 1 m from the second downstream detector (CRDC2).  Each detector has an active depth of 1.5 cm, an active area of 26 cm (non-dispersive direction)  × 56 cm (dispersive direction), and it is filled with a gas mixture consisting of 80% CF4 and 20% C4H10 at a typical pressure of 50 torr. A schematic view of a CRDC can be seen in Fig xxx, and their technical specifications are listed in Table xxx. Each detector consists of two windows mounted on frames, two printed circuit boards (PCB) and an anode frame.  Each PCB is made of un-masked G-10, and includes a field shaping foil to ensure a uniform field in the active region of the detector. Two G-10 spacers are laminated to the board on each side. The shaping foils are made of 1.9-mm pitch evaporated aluminum strips perpendicularly oriented to the electric field. The anode frame includes a glued cathode grounding plane, an anode wire running across the field, and a Frisch grid. Cathode pads are located in front of and behind the anode wire. The pads have a pitch of 2.54 mm. The anode frame is sandwiched between the two printed circuit boards with two spacers in between, as shown in Fig. xxx.  Two Cathode Readout Drift Chamber (CRDC) are used  to measure the transversal positions and angles in  the focal plane. The first detector (CRDC1) is located at the nominal optical focal plane, and it is separated 1 m from the second downstream detector (CRDC2).  Each detector has an active depth of 1.5 cm, an active area of 26 cm (non-dispersive direction)  × 56 cm (dispersive direction), and it is filled with a gas mixture consisting of 80% CF4 and 20% C4H10 at a typical pressure of 50 torr. A schematic view of a CRDC can be seen in Fig xxx, and their technical specifications are listed in Table xxx. Each detector consists of two windows mounted on frames, two printed circuit boards (PCB) and an anode frame.  Each PCB is made of un-masked G-10, and includes a field shaping foil to ensure a uniform field in the active region of the detector. Two G-10 spacers are laminated to the board on each side. The shaping foils are made of 1.9-mm pitch evaporated aluminum strips perpendicularly oriented to the electric field. The anode frame includes a glued cathode grounding plane, an anode wire running across the field, and a Frisch grid. Cathode pads are located in front of and behind the anode wire. The pads have a pitch of 2.54 mm. The anode frame is sandwiched between the two printed circuit boards with two spacers in between, as shown in Fig. xxx. 
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 Ionization Chamber Ionization Chamber
 An ionization chamber downstream of both CRDCs is used to identify the Z number of the transmitted nuclei from their energy loss. The detector has an active volume of xxx cm x xxx cm x xxx cm and is filled with P10 gas at a typical pressure of 300 torr, although this value can be increased up to 600 torr for light nuclei. A technical layout of the detector is shown in Fig. Table xxx lists some of the technical specifications. The detector consists of 16 stacked-parallel plate ion chambers with narrow anode-cathode gaps, placed along the detector’s central axis. Each anode is sandwiched by two cathodes foils made of aluminum evaporated mylar.  An ionization chamber downstream of both CRDCs is used to identify the Z number of the transmitted nuclei from their energy loss. The detector has an active volume of xxx cm x xxx cm x xxx cm and is filled with P10 gas at a typical pressure of 300 torr, although this value can be increased up to 600 torr for light nuclei. A technical layout of the detector is shown in Fig. Table xxx lists some of the technical specifications. The detector consists of 16 stacked-parallel plate ion chambers with narrow anode-cathode gaps, placed along the detector’s central axis. Each anode is sandwiched by two cathodes foils made of aluminum evaporated mylar. 
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 Tracking Parallel Plate Avalanche Counters Tracking Parallel Plate Avalanche Counters
 Some experiments are particularly sensitive to the incoming positions and angles of the nuclei impinging on the target. Two tracking parallel plate avalanche counters (TPPAC) are installed in the intermediate image plane of the analysis line. The position and angles measured with both TPPACs are transformed into the corresponding coordinates in front of the target, using the transfer matrix of the second half of the analysis line. The analysis-line dipole magnets downstream of the intermediate image plane filter the particles produced  in the tracking detectors, which would otherwise contaminate the data.  Some experiments are particularly sensitive to the incoming positions and angles of the nuclei impinging on the target. Two tracking parallel plate avalanche counters (TPPAC) are installed in the intermediate image plane of the analysis line. The position and angles measured with both TPPACs are transformed into the corresponding coordinates in front of the target, using the transfer matrix of the second half of the analysis line. The analysis-line dipole magnets downstream of the intermediate image plane filter the particles produced  in the tracking detectors, which would otherwise contaminate the data. 
 Each TPPAC has an active area of 10 cm × 10 cm and is filled with isobutane at a typical pressure of 5 torr. The detector consists of a cathode foil with a series of aluminum strips oriented in the non-dispersive direction, followed by an anode plate and a second cathode foil with the strips oriented in the dispersive direction (see Fig xxx). A total of 128 pads are connected to the strips of each cathode foil, with a pitch of 1.27 mm. Each TPPAC has an active area of 10 cm × 10 cm and is filled with isobutane at a typical pressure of 5 torr. The detector consists of a cathode foil with a series of aluminum strips oriented in the non-dispersive direction, followed by an anode plate and a second cathode foil with the strips oriented in the dispersive direction (see Fig xxx). A total of 128 pads are connected to the strips of each cathode foil, with a pitch of 1.27 mm.
start.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/02 12:45 by pereira