Table of Contents

Venting/pumping Object box

In CS-Studio/Phoebus, from the S800 Main Vacuum page, go to the Object chamber page, opening the page shown below.

Vent Object chamber

The vent valve and the roughing valve RV should be closed when you begin.

The venting procedure is as follows:

  1. Notify the Control Room and inform them that they can disregard the EXP alarm that will occur
  2. Make sure that the detectors inside the chamber have been unbiased
  3. Close the beamline gate valves D2341 BGV and D2303 BGV
  4. Turn off the IG
  5. Close the turbo pump gate valve TVG. If the chamber will be vented for a long time, the turbo pump should be switched off
  6. Monitor the pressure RBT_BTS31:BPG_D2337:VP_RD in a data browser
  7. Open the vent valve
  8. When the pressure approaches ~800 Torr, close the venting valve. Failure to do so will result in over-pressure in the chamber since it will continue to be filled with dry nitrogen

Pumping Object chamber

From S800 Vacuum Main Page, go to Object chamber page. This will open the page in the figure below.