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Division of operational responsibilities

A detailed description of the level of support from the Device physicist and the Beam physicist can be found in the S800 service level description and A1900 service level description documents. Please visit also the guidance policy document for experiments in the S3 vault.

Device Physicist

  • General tuning of S800 (XDT)
  • Determining biases
  • Operation of gas handling systems


User responsibilities that may need support from Device Physicist

In the absence of a S800 device physicist, please follow the official procedure for handing over the beam from the operators/beam physicists to the experimenters and vice versa:

In case a S800 person needs to be contacted after-hours, please keep in mind that this has to be done by the Operator in Charge. In general, the operator routes requests from experimenters for after-hours laboratory resources to appropriate lab personnel (see for more information).

division_of_operation_responsibilities.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/28 16:03 by swartzj