====== QuickStart ====== This setup helps you create standalone GET software releases which you can load and test without overwriting your old settings. * Download {{:getscripts.tar.bz2|Getscripts}} * extract it to your home directory. * copy update2.sh and mmSync to your home directory. * edit update2.sh and change the release date and the password. If macports and Ice are still screwed up un-comment the export command there. * execute update.sh and wait for some time. * when done, cd ~/GET-2014XXXX or whatever release number you have. * then cd runtime, make any changes to your *.xcfg files * you have to synchronize all your macmini farm. open a new terminal window, cd ~ then execute ./mmSync GET-20140516 or whatever version you have * This should copy the new release to all mac minis (if you change *.xcfg you have to redo this) * If there is a new getHwServer-release-2014XXXX.out on the wiki then download it and copy it to /mnt/local/export/filesystem/ then edit startup.vxsh accordingly. * cd ~/GET-2014XXXX/runtime then open multiple tabs * type source ../GETUP * in multiple tabs * run getEccServer and getEccClient then GetController ====== Storing misc data in Flash ====== Make sure CoBo is connected to [[microtca_development|JTAG]] and powered up. To store the above information in NOR flash. You should have Xilinx EDK/SDK installed. Start Xilinx command prompt environment (if you are in GNU/Linux just source the settings.sh file) if you are using Windows, go to start -> Xilinx Design Tools -> Accessories -> ISE Design Suite command prompt, once it is launched Change Directory to the folder where the configuration files (attached) are stored e.g. C:\CoBos_Info\configure * To store vxworks type: xmd -nx -tcl flashwriter.tcl vx.tcl * To store the mac address: * edit mac.tcl * for the board labeled 1233 (serial number sticker) you should use mac_addr_temac-1233.bin * for the board labeled 1234 use mac_addr_temac-1234.bin * You should run xmd -nx -hw system.xml -tcl flashwriter.tcl mac.tcl If you want to try a firmware just start xmd by typing xmd in Xilinx shells/command prompt Then type: fpga –f download.bit This should download the bitstream and immediately start the vxworks OS.