Minutes of Meeting: May 28, 2009 \\ Attendees = Bickley, Mittig, Pollacco, Roussel-Chomaz, Sakurai \\ \\ I. ASIC \\ - LP and WM will perform a final physics review of the specifications in the next ~week \\ - design implies electron amplification provided by either GEMs or uMegas \\ - at high rates the signal from wires will undershoot baseline \\ - need to examine whether pole zero compensation will be sufficient to correct particularly in pileup situations \\ - must confirm with ED that the chip design will accommodate the inclusion of resistive sheets in the future \\ - Bordeaux will build an optional preamplifier that will sit between the pad and the filter \\ - must confirm that a switch is still included between the preamp and filter that allows the system to be run in current mode \\ pad-------->preamp-------->filter-------->SCA----------> | |___________/ ________| | | |_______________/ _____________| - confirm if 500us tail is corrected \\ - if the preamp is used w/o the filter saturation may occur \\ - tests should be conducted with AFTER to determine if this is a problem \\ - ED has a solution for this problem but there is not sufficient time to implement it before the first submission \\ - LP and WM will determine if track perpendicular to the pad will saturate the preamp \\ - should test AFTER with a wireplane to determine issues important to the Riken chamber \\ - all final decisions and tests must be completed by Dec to be included in the second submission \\ - must examine if saturated pads impact neighbors \\ - the filter shaping time is dependent on the angle of the track because the preamp integrates all incoming current \\ - this could be a problem if the preamps saturate \\ - need to confirm that the shaping time is correct (100ns->1us, 121fC & 10pC) \\ - if the shaping time is consistent with the width of the input signal then the resolution becomes poorer for longer shaping times \\ - the max size of the pad will not be dependent on the max shaping time bc the option exists to integrate \\ - WM will estimate errors for this type of situation \\ - could expand the max shaping time to 2us \\ - need to determine if there are problems for slow drift gases such as H2 \\ \\ II. ASAD \\ - board will likely be thicker than that of T2K bc it will be necessary to reduce noise \\ - ASAD design has been modified to include an FPGA to handle slow-slow controls \\ - will not interfere with analog bc changes are only made when data is not being written \\ - power must be supplied independently to the ASAD (not through the CoBo) need estimate of magnitude required \\ - FD has information regarding T2K cooling scheme \\ - Triumf worked on the T2K gas filtering and recirculation system \\ - ASAD will be designed to send the signal 5m, but will be operated with a 3m max cable length \\ - this will require repeaters be included on the board which require a large amount of power \\ - power supplies can have extended cable lengths \\ - LP is considering the requirements for a portable daq system that can be plugged directly into ASAD \\ - perhaps this is something Riken would be interested in? \\ \\