===== Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award ===== * Eligibility: College seniors wishing to pursue the PhD degree as well as graduate students may apply. Must be students of the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and/or engineering. * Funding Amount: $34 000/yr for up to 5 years (Look at the page for details for second option) * Application deadline: October 23, 2020 * Requirements: The Fellow makes a moral commitment to make his or her "skills available to the United States in times of national emergency." * Website: https://hertzfoundation.org/fellowships/fellowshipaward * Note: They generally do not award fellowships to students who are already beyond their first year of graduate study except in cases of "exceptional leverage." Fellows must attend one of the Foundation's currently participating schools, or must petition the Foundation to include a school in the United States that he/she desires to attend. (The situation is the latter for MSU). RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN A CAREER IN THE RESEARCH SPACE