====== Notes from the September 12, 2011 meeting ====== ===Michael Thoennessen=== * New office addition will be completed in October, and then we'll have the seminar room back. * Will need grad student help with the DNP meeting, both to run sessions and to organize the grad student social event. Contact him to volunteer. * There will be a special seminar by Arti Garg from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget on September 21st at 11:00 am. Please attend if you can, to help send a good impression. * There are questions about the requirements to attend ethics seminars. Michael will get back to us as soon as possible with clarifications - first workshop is Wednesday evening. ===Seminars - Adam Fritsch=== * There has been a proposal in the seminar committee to set up special meetings between just the seminar speaker and the grad students. * Are we interested in doing this? * If so, for how many/which seminars? * Adam will send out the current list of speakers for us to consider. Please respond to him by this Friday. ===Computers - Emily Wang and Brad Barquest=== * A revision to the SpecTcl GUI is now underway and is expected to be completed quickly. It will be based off of the folder GUI that Ron is more comfortable supporting, but integrating features of the popular multicolored GUI. * The newest Readout replaces Spectrodaq with a ring buffer. If you maintain programs that connect directly to Spectrodaq, you will be affected. * The computer help desk will move after the new office expansion is completed, and implement many operating changes at the same time. Here's a few: * The helpme email will be retired. * Windows users will be transitioned towards having local admin privileges. * Discussion is ongoing about how to give Linux users local admin privileges. ===Space - Andrew Klose=== * When the new office addition is complete, many people in the lab will move, and graduate students are no exception. * Five grad offices will move into four new offices. * Overall we lose two desks, but will be entirely in offices with natural lighting. ===President - Dan Coupland=== * We need speakers for the rest of the seminars this semester. Contact me to volunteer, otherwise I'll find you. ===Other officers=== * Other officers introduced themselves and their positions, but did not give updates.