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daq:decomp_calibrations [2017/02/27 12:26]
daq:decomp_calibrations [2017/02/27 12:38]
Line 206: Line 206:
       0.88523686       0.88523686
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +Notice the change in line 25, which is the bad segment, to the a large number. ​ This effectively turns of the segment when computing the decomp position. ​
 +== Loading the Decomp File == 
 +Once all the above files have been created, we can load them into the GRETINA DAQ. To do this, we must be logged into the **gretina** account preferably on the computer currently hosting the gretina daq (currently this is **a2.gam**)
 +On gretina:
 +cd ~/​DecompParam
 +mkdir detmaps_yymmdd
 +</​code> ​
 +where yymmdd in the above is replaced with the year, month and date respectively. ​ After this directory is created copy all the above created files into the newly created directory.  ​
 +Now we must copy/edit the setfile. The setfiles are located in **~gretina/​DecompParam/​** Copy the last setfile to the current date:
 +cp setFile.2017-02-09 setFile.YYYY-MM-DD
 +Now the newly created setfile must be edited. Assuming we keep the standard naming convention mentioned here; all one needs to do is a mass search and replace for the old date with the new date.  Using 2017-02-09 as the old example and YYYY-MM-DD as the new example ​
 +170209 ​ ->  YYMMDD

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