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pictures:detectors [2012/06/05 11:55]
pictures:detectors [2014/05/01 07:50]
noji Web server change (www.nscl.msu.edu -> people.nscl.msu.edu)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Detectors ​mounted ​======+====== Detectors ======
-===== June 52012 =====+===== June 282013 =====
-152Eu source at the center of the eastern hemisphere.+Some pictures taken just before starting dismounting. The beam pipes have been already disconnected.
-[[http://www.nscl.msu.edu/​~nojis/photo/3.jpg|{{:gretina_20120605_3.jpg}}]] +[[http://people.nscl.msu.edu/​~gretina/photo/20130628/​full/​84.jpg|{{http://​people.nscl.msu.edu/​~gretina/​photo/​20130628/​reduced/​84.jpg}}]] 
-[[http://www.nscl.msu.edu/​~nojis/photo/4.jpg|{{:gretina_20120605_4.jpg}}]] +[[http://people.nscl.msu.edu/​~gretina/photo/20130628/​full/​85.jpg|{{http://​people.nscl.msu.edu/​~gretina/​photo/​20130628/​reduced/​85.jpg}}]] 
-===== May 252012 =====+===== June 52013 =====
-With quad, position, and hole numbers.+The 90 degree configuration.
-[[http://www.nscl.msu.edu/​~nojis/photo/eastern_full.png|{{:​eastern.png}}]] +==== From Hole 29 ==== 
-===== May 24, 2012 =====+==== From Hole 28 ==== 
-[[http://www.nscl.msu.edu/​~nojis/photo/1.jpg|{{:​gretina_20120524_1.jpg}}]] +==== From Hole 25 ==== 
 +==== The entire sphere ====
 +===== April 6, 2013 =====
 +The liquid hydrogen target has been installed. (Left: the target cell, Right: the system is installed on the chamber.)
 +===== April 5, 2013 =====
 +A wooden deck is installed beneath the target.
 +===== April 3, 2013 =====
 +Reconfigured for the liquid hydrogen target: All the seven quads are mounted on the northern (Berkeley-western) hemisphere.
 +==== 10.5 mm ====
 +==== 105 mm ====
 +===== April 1, 2013 =====
 +On the final day of the first configuration (these pictures were taken immediately before we started the reconfiguration).
 +===== June 15, 2012 =====
 +==== Beam pipe ====
 +==== Alignment ====
 +===== June 13, 2012 =====
 +===== June 8, 2012 =====
 +===== June 6, 2012 =====
 +A LaBr<​sub>​3</​sub>​ scintillator has been installed.
 +===== June 5, 2012 =====
 +<​sup>​152</​sup>​Eu source at the center of the eastern hemisphere.
 +===== May 24, 2012 =====

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