List of tasks to do after the experiments with HiRA (e10001,e11001,e10011) - Before packing HiRA equipment * HiRA preamps * make sure that all 20 PA MBs are working * fix the labeling convention (front label has to match the back label) * bias cables - verify that they have all working channels and fix if necessary * 2 red cables (bias for HiRA E and CsI; cable going from the CAEN PS to Sparky + extension cable) * gray cables (bias for HiRA dE) * verify the problem with readout when pulsing 14 PAs at the same time * have a complete inventory of HiRA Si detectors including the number of bad strips and decide where to fix them (John Yurkon vs Micron) - Packing of HiRA stuff * Decide where to store CAEN HV power supply and chiller * pack all the equipment that is only used in experiments in s2 vault together * pack the cables and equipment that is used in any HiRA experiment separately * Take pictures, move items to storage or lab space * Dismantle and pack PA setup - Electronics * Return epool electronics used in the experiment * Return epool electronics that is in the HiRA cabinet * Remove electronics racks and move to HiRA lab - Inside chamber * Remove detectors * Pack up cables, mount, TC boxes, etc. * Buy new camera * Remove chamber (Dave Sanderson)