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Tour Schedule

See the Upcoming Tour Schedule.

Official Policy on short-notice tours and tours for friends/family: stop by the safety office (or control room after hours) beforehand to just get their OK

Call list of guides for short notice:

  • Zach Constan 517-393-5450 (home), 517-614-0016 (cell)

To volunteer to give a tour and be paid, one must go through the following steps:

  1. Zach will email all tour guides when a new tour is available, noting:
    • how many visitors
    • Date
    • Time

  • group's level of physics knowledge
  • number of guides needed
  1. Email Zach ( to volunteer
  2. If selected, Zach will notify you that you are responsible for that tour
  3. Review the necessary files (Tour introduction script, tour introduction powerpoint, tour location script) to prepare to speak with the group
  4. 20 minutes before: collect equipment from far right cabinet under display outside the seminar room
  5. Fill Dewar halfway with liquid nitrogen
  6. Choose your tour route (note the access restrictions on NSCL hallway displays) and perform an Ion sweep/safety survey on that route (record it on the safety checklists found on a clipboard in the cabinet outside the Seminar Room or in files). Inform other guides of possible hazards and report serious hazards to the safety office/control room
  7. Load up the powerpoint for the appropriate level (files on wiki)
  8. Make sure the seminar room is clean and neat for our visitors
  9. Zach will bring the group from the lobby (on evenings/weekends, one tour leader meets them there & open the door for 15 minutes before and after expected arrival time, while other tour leader prepares and gives introduction in the seminar room)
  10. Ask group leader what time limitations they have, education level (if unsure), collect permission slips
  11. Introduction/demos: encourage questions and ask their opinions
  12. BEFORE going on the tour, the tour leader (who did the survey, usually Zach) must make copies of the survey and personally hand one to each other guide before the tour. The tour leader should comment on any notes on the survey, and the other guides should ask questions. The circled vaults at top indicate which vaults were surveyed, and you should only go in those vaults. Bottom line: DO NOT start a tour unless you have a safety survey in your hand! This is to make sure nothing dangerous gets missed, and safety of the visitors is your FIRST priority.
  13. Tour: split into groups of 12 or less, if the guests are middle or elementary school students have an adult with each group who brings up the rear to make sure no child is left behind.
  14. If you have 3 or more groups, use the “Coordinating multiple tour groups through the vaults” plan (files on wiki) to select starting location and order.
  15. Return to seminar room after the tour, invite remaining questions, more demos?
  16. Give the feedback survey found in files (make copies if necessary), provide Zach's card, escort group out
  17. Cleanup – replace things EXACTLY as you found them in the demo equipment case, return equipment to cabinet outside seminar room, empty LN
  18. Fill out Payslip (form in cabinet or in files), put in Zach's mailbox
  19. Survey form and permission slips in Peter Grivins’ mailbox (in hallway)
  20. Submit questions for the FAQ on wiki
tours/schedule.1382963410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/28 08:30 by constan