X-rays of interest are 9-70 keV. It is also desirable be able to use an 55Fe source (5.9 keV) for testing purposes. We want to maximize the number of x-rays detected in the previously mentioned range while minimizing background from charged particles and high energy gamma rays. We also have to be able to distinguish between k-alpha x-rays for nuclides with Z and Z+1 where Z >= 28 [[https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/XrayTrans/Html/search.html|which corresponds to about 550 eV]]. {{ :design:detecor_and_cryostat_summary_v0.2.pptx |Summary presentation Alex put together for group meeting 7/26/2021 with post meeting updates}} {{ :design:rate_estimates.xlsx |Rate calculations spreadsheet}} {{ :design:detector_selection_spreadsheet_v1.0.xlsx |}} {{:design:mirion_x-ray_detector_spec_summary.png?direct&400|}} Per Mirion, the ULEGe effectively has no dead layer, while we can treat the GL0510 as having a 5 µm dead layer for simulation purposes. The GL0510 will still detect more photons a 1 cm from a point source than a GUL0110 just above the absorption edge, but we'll need to make sure that we do a good job of characterizing this behavior. {{ :design:kr73_decay_scheme_results_v0.2.pptx |}} We couldn’t find any detectors which match the energy resolution of LEGE and U-LEGE at low energies. The best we found was ORTEC’s GLP series, shown below. We haven't gotten about the dead layer for the GLP series, so don't know if it's better or worse than LEGe. {{:design:glp_series_summary.jpg?direct&400|}} Intelligent Preamplifier for HPGe Detectors https://www.mirion.com/products/ipa-intelligent-preamplifier-for-hpge-detectors