**XIA DDAS steps** with spdaq55: 1) Run Readout cd ~ ./goreadout 1.5) Merge Runs Before DDAS2ROOT so we only produce one root file godata ./merge.sh run # \\ (this will combine root files with names like run-0001-0*.root together in a single file called run-0001.root) 2) DDAS2ROOT cd ~ ./goddasdumper 410 goevt run0410_152Eu_in_Safebox_Room_background_North_South.root 3) Calibration godata root .L /usr/opt/ddas/6.1-001/lib/libddaschannel.so .x ddas2root.cpp 410 4) Analysis cd /mnt/daqtesting/protondetector/stagearea run0410_152Eu_in_Safebox_Room_background_North_South_cal.root hnorth_e->Draw(); hsouth_e->Draw(); \\ \\ **XIA DDAS setting**, 06/03/2024 12:20 pm\\ /user/protondetector/readout/crate_1/PXCT20240522.set\\ **Ch0 Raw Mesh**: TriggerRise 0.040us; TriggerGap 0.976us; Threshold 6553; EnergyRise 7.040us; EnergyGap 2.048us; CFD Delay 0.304us; CFD Scale 7; CFD Threshold 6000; Tau 50us\\ **Ch1 Accepted Logic Mesh**: TriggerRise 0.504us; TriggerGap 0.504us; Threshold 520; EnergyRise 0.256us; EnergyGap 0.348us; Leading Edge; Tau 0.05us\\ **Ch3 North Ge**: TriggerRise 0.064us; TriggerGap 0.952us; Threshold 300; EnergyRise 10.240us; EnergyGap 1.792us; CFD Delay 0.304us; CFD Scale 7; CFD Threshold 300; Tau 50us\\ **Ch5 South Ge**: TriggerRise 0.064us; TriggerGap 0.952us; Threshold 700; EnergyRise 10.752us; EnergyGap 1.280us; CFD Delay 0.304us; CFD Scale 7; CFD Threshold 700; Tau 50us\\ Remember to use the command "git add something something" after making changes to the file. (Alex or Joe will update the command later) \\ {{:merger_info_runs_1-24.rtf}}\\ {{:merger_info_runs_25-30.rtf}}\\ {{:merger_info_runs_30-39.rtf}}\\ {{:merger_info_runs_30-53.rtf}}\\ {{:merger_info_runs_54-79.rtf}}\\ Config File we are currently using to process h5 files:\\ {{:p10_2000torr_copy.rtf}} File Transfer Script Unedited from Daniel (to upload it to the wiki, the '.rtf' extension was added, remove it after downloading the script):\\ {{:transfer.tcl.rtf}} \\ **Run Log** ^ Run Number ^ Flow Rate (sccm) ^ Temperature (C) ^ Bottle Pressure (psi) ^ Notes ^ | 0001 | 104 | 21.0 (end of run) | 1620 | Forgot to record pressure log, but it looks steady, GET run number my be off | | 0002 | 172 | 21.1 | 1590 | GET run number was correct. | | 0003 | 770 | 21.0 | 1590.0 | Test to correct gain | | 0004 | 770 | 21.0 | 1590.0 | Test to correct gain | | 0005 | 245 | 21.0 | 1590.0 | | | 0006 | 245 | 20.2 | 1500 | | | 0007 | 167 | 20.5 | Missing | | | 0008 | 167 | 20.7 | 1390 | | | 0009 | 167 | 20.7 | 1390 | Test to fix south Ge threshold, GET and XIA do not line up | | 0010 | 174 | 19.7 | 1340 | 6/3/2024 18:30 | | 0011 | 174 | 20.4 (end of run) | Not measured | | | 0012 | 174 | 20.4 | 1260 | Flow was stopped for 30 min before the run began to take gamma calibration data | | 0013 | 174 | 19.8 | 1190 | Run began 06-05-24 10:26 | | 0014 | 172 | 20.3 | 1170 | Run began 06-05-24 16:17 | | 0015 | 174 | 19.8 | 1100 | Run began 06-06-24 08:51 | | 0016 | 174 | 20.1 | 1070 | Run began 06-06-24 17:06 | | 0017 | 175 | 19.8 | 1000 | Run began 06-07-24 10:24 | | 0018 | 027 | 20.1 | 0980 | Run began 06-07-24 13:54 (closed off 228th source valves 6 & 7 closed, valve 3 bypass open. fine flow adjusted to 0.5 from 5)| | 0019 | 027 | 20.4 | 0970 | Run began 06-08-24 11:07 (closed 220Rn source flow)| | 0020 | 027 | 20.0 | 0950 | Run began 06-09-24 12:12 (closed 220Rn source flow)| | 0021 | 027 | 19.5 | 0950 | Run began 06-10-24 11:00 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA| | 0022 | 027 | 20.0 | 0950 | Run began 06-10-24 16:08 (isolated detector and evacuated upstream) NO GAMMA DATA| | 0023 | 0 (evacuated upstream) | 20.2 | 0950 | Run began 06-10-24 11:31 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA| | 0024 | 0 (evacuated upstream) | 20.2 | 0950 | Run began (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA| | 0025 | 0 (evacuated upstream) | 20.9 | 0950 | Run began 06-11-24 9:33 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) NO GAMMA DATA| | 0026 | 0 (evacuated upstream) | 20.9 | 0950 | Run began 06-11-24 10:34 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow) stopped previous run so we can take Ge data as well| | 0027 | 0 (evacuated upstream) | 21.1 | 0940 | Run began 06-12-24 10:54 (tightened close on 220Rn source flow)| | 0028 | 24 (source still isolated) | 21.1 | 0940 | Run began 06-13-24 10:22 (gas flowed through bypass 3 w/ no source)| | 0029 | 175 (source still isolated) | 21.1 | 0940 | Run began 06-13-24 10:35 (gas flowed through bypass 3 w/ no source)| | 0030 | 521 (source still isolated) | 21.1 | 0940 | Run began 06-13-24 10:58 (gas flowed through bypass 3 w/ no source)| | 0031 | 180 (source REINTRODUCED!) | 19.4 | 0940 | Run began 06-13-24 11:15 | | 0032 | 180 | 19.4 | 0840 | Run began 06-14-24 10:54 | | 0033 | 182 | 20.1 | 0730 | Run began 06-15-24 09:50 | | 0034 | 183 | 20.5 | 0630 | Run began 06-16-24 10:27 | | 0035 | 180 | 20.3 | 0540 | Run began 06-17-24 11:02 | | 0036 | 181 | 20.1 | 0420 | Run began 06-18-24 09:38 | | 0037 | 181 | 20.2 | 0310 | Run began 06-19-24 11:12 | | 0038 | 181 | 20.2 | 0300 | Run began 06-19-24 15:56 | |NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-402986106-1||||| | 0039 | 184 | 20.2 | 2380 | Run began 06-20-24 16:18 | | 0040 | 181 | 20.1 | 2290 | Run began 06-21-24 11:13 | | 0041 | 180 | 19.6 | 2200 | Run began 06-22-24 10:44 | | 0042 | 182 | 20.4 | 2110 | Run began 06-23-24 07:53 | | 0043 | 182 | 20.7 | 2000 | Run began 06-24-24 09:43 | | 0044 | 184 | 20.0 | 1910 | Run began 06-25-24 09:35 Cobo 1 went offline 70% of the way through the run, manually created run_0044 for the draw files on the Mac minis| | 0045 | 182 | 20.1 | 1810 | Run began 06-26-24 10:39 AFTER THIS RUN THE DATA ROUTER AND ECCSOAPSERVER ON COBO 0 WAS RESTARTED| | 0046 | 324 | 18.9 | 1790 | Run began 06-26-24 16:32 Flow increased to try to match 15 total events per second| | 0047 | 324 | 18.9 | 1790 | Run began 06-26-24 16:34 New flow rate gives us 15.3 events per second initially, we will have to check the overnight run to see how grow-in affects this| | 0048 | 324 | 19.3 | 1680 | Run began 06-27-24 08:55 This run has a total event rate of 26/s| | 0049 | 244 | 19.5 | 1630 | Run began 06-27-24 14:25| | 0050 | 243 | 19.8 | 1590 | Run began 06-27-24 21:07| | 0051 | 244 | 20.2 | 1520 | Run began 06-28-24 09:39| | 0052 | 245 | 20.1 | 1470 | Run began 06-28-24 20:56| | 0053 | 244 | 20.1 | 1410 | Run began 06-29-24 09:17 accidentally ended the XIA DAQ early by a few seconds| | 0054 | 240 | 19.1 | 1320 | Run began 06-29-24 20:59 noticed that the flow rate dropped to 240 then raised to 248 at the start of the run| | 0055 | 244 | 19.8 | 1260 | Run began 06-30-24 09:24| | 0056 | 244 | 19.7 | 1200 | Run began 06-30-24 20:58| | 0057 | 245 | 20.0 | 1120 | Run began 07-01-24 10:24| | 0058 | 245 | 19.6 | 1070 | Run began 07-01-24 20:57| | 0059 | 246 | 19.8 | 1000 | Run began 07-02-24 09:35 XIA run ended at the same time as GET DAQ| | 0060 | 242 | 20.0 | 0920 | Run began 07-02-24 21:11| | 0061 | 244 | 19.6 | 0870 | Run began 07-03-24 09:57| | 0062 | 244 | 20.8 | 0790 | Run began 07-03-24 22:33| | 0063 | 244 | 19.5 | 700 | Run began 07-04-24 10:05| | 0064 | 244 | 21.5 | 650 | Run began 07-05-24 00:46 NOTE: h5 file transferred to fishtanks wasn't fully merged because the hard drive the merger was operating on ran out of space| | 0065 | 247 | 18.9 | 590 | Run began 07-05-24 09:51 | | 0066 | 244 | 21.9 | 500 | Run began 07-05-24 21:56 | | 0067 | 243 | 19.1 | 410 | Run began 07-06-24 14:49 | | 0068 | 243 | 22.0 | 380 | Run began 07-07-24 00:38 | | 0069 | 245 | 21.2 | 300->240 | Run began 07-07-24 14:35->19:58| | 0070 | 6 | 20.4 | 240 | began 07-07-24 20:18 background | | 0071 | 6 | 19.7 | 250 | began 07-08-24 13:09 background | | 0072 | 6 | 20.7 | 230 | began 07-09-24 12:28 background | |NEW P10 BOTTLE lot #32-403080558-1||||| | 0073 | 249 | 21.5 | 2400 | began 07-10-24 17:01 production run with a new bottle of P10 from lot #32-403080558-1 | | 0074 | 249 | 21.1 | 2360 | began 07-10-24 22:24. It takes 16.3 hours to reach 200 GB. | | 0075 | 249 | 19.3 | 2300 | began 07-11-24 8:55. | | 0076 | 245 | 19.2 | 2300 | began 07-11-24 ~9:30 pm. Short run. | | 0077 | 245 | 19.2 | 2220 | began 07-11-24 21:37. | | 0078 | 245 | 20.7 | 2150 | began 07-12-24 9:42. Temperature increased during run because of AC. Rolled run early because of this (see below) | | 0079 | 237 | 27.2 | 2200 | began 07-11-24 15:53. 1 nA MM leakage current, likely because of lower gas density | | 0080 | 237 | 30.3 | 2200 | began 7-12-2024 21:34 GET DID NOT COLLECT DATA, HAD TO RESTART| | After 80 | 6 | 33.1 | 2220 | Everything off. | | 0081 | 250 | 22.5 | 2090 | began 7-17-2024 16:20 GET DID NOT COLLECT DATA, HAD TO RESTART| | 0082 | 249 | 22.5 | 2090 | began 7-17-2024 16:29 | | 0083 | 250 | 20.5 | 2040 | began 7-18-2024 01:05 | | 0084 | 246 | 20.4 | 2000 | began 7-18-2024 10:04 | | 0085 | 248 | 19.6 | 1940 | began 7-18-2024 21:10 | | 0086 | 248 | 20.0 | 1880 | began 7-19-2024 10:02 | | 0087 | 247 | 19.8 | 1800 | began 7-19-2024 21:17 | | 0088 | 246 | 19.8 | 1720 | began 7-20-2024 09:42 | | 0089 | 247 | 20.1 | 1680 | began 7-20-2024 20:12 | | 0090 | 247 | 20.3 | 1610 | began 7-21-2024 09:18 | | 0091 | 248 | 19.8 | 1540 | began 7-21-2024 20:58 | Actions after Run 0069:\\ 1. Close V-5 to stop flow\\ 2. Bypass source:\\ a. Open V-3\\ b. Close V-6 and V-7\\ 3. Verify flow rate <5 sccm on mass flow controller (the controller has a small offset).\\ 4. Verify TPC is still at ~2000 torr.\\ 5. Take background runs. Run 0070 is the 1st background run.\\ {{::img_20240707_201334.jpg?linkonly|}}\\ {{ ::img_20240707_201611.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ {{ ::img_20240707_201531.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ Actions after Run 0080 to prevent damages in the sauna situation:\\ 1. Close V-5 to stop flow\\ 2. Unbias everything.\\ 3. Flow rate 6 sccm.\\ Status on 7/12/2024:\\ TPC 30.3℃, North Coldtip: -178.2℃, North Cooler 57.6℃, North Head 50.5℃, GHS 41.0℃.\\ Status on 7/13/2024:\\ TPC 33.1℃, North Coldtip: -174.3℃, North Cooler 60.7℃, North Head 54.1℃, GHS 41.9℃.\\ All temps are still rising. Cooler failure is inevitable.\\ {{ ::img_20240713_164937.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ {{ ::img_20240713_195820.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ {{ ::img_20240713_195828.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ Evening 7/13/2024, North Cooler failed. \\ Pressing the cooler On/Off button had no effect.\\ {{ ::img_20240714_011036.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ {{ ::img_20240714_011104.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ Mirion Wilhelm & Gabriela: The controller will prevent activation of the cooler when the cold tip temperature exceeds -150 C.  In this condition, the cooler will not activate until the cold tip temperature exceeds 0C.  This functionality is designed to prevent a partial thermal cycle of the detector. Note with large 100% detectors that you have, the detector may not be fully warm a the default cooler activation temperature, so we would recommend to allow a full 24 hour warm up before turning the cooler back on.   Status on 7/14/2024:\\ The North Cooler appeared to have restarted automatically? Early Sunday morning, I guess. The Coldtip was at -180℃, which would've caused a partial thermal cycle.\\ I pressed the On/Off button to allow it to fully warm up, which is expected to be completed by 4 pm 7/15/2024.\\ {{ ::img_20240714_152030.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ {{ ::img_20240714_152102.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ {{ ::img_20240714_152018.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ Then begin cooling, which should be completed by 4 pm 7/16/2024.\\ {{ ::img_20240715_203737.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ {{ ::img_20240715_203826.jpg?linkonly |}}\\ North Resolution is still good.\\ {{ ::north_high_bkg_after_sauna_20240715.png?linkonly |}}\\ |0801: 152Eu on top of TPC near AsAd box (source rim against the TPC edge, source center 2.7 cm from the rim) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1823 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearAsadBox_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5. The first 2 minutes were noisy; superseded by run 0806.||||| |0802: 152Eu on top of TPC near center (source center 13 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1830 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearCenter_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5||||| |0803: 152Eu on top of TPC near cathode (source center 40 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1811 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearCathode_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5||||| |0804: 152Eu on South side of TPC (source center 20 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1901 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onSideNextToSouth_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5||||| |0805: 152Eu on North side of TPC (source center 5.5 cm from the TPC edge) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1810 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onSideNextToNorth_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5||||| |0806: 152Eu on top of TPC near AsAd box (source rim against the TPC edge, source center 2.7 cm from the rim) for Ge calibration. End Run at 1791 seconds into the run. Run Title: 228Th_152Eu_onTop_nearAsadBox_Mesh_Ch0_MeshAccepted_Ch1_North_Ch3_South_Ch5.|||||