My Last Words to PXCT Successors:\\ 1) The Turbopump was last used on May 21, 2024. Pumps that have sat for longer than 12 months must be returned to the Agilent factory for rechanneling.\\ 2) The ramp-up speed of the MHV-4 high-voltage supply needs to be set using Putty every time after rebooting the NIM crate. Putty has already been installed on the Laptop desktop. Type command: "SRA 0" for 5 V/s.\\ 3) The half-lives listed in the Safety Office inventory of sources may not always be accurate, so double-check if the source activity is needed in your calculation.\\ New Purchase / PXCT2 Upgrade:\\ 1) In 2016, Tamas Budner purchased 27-inch by 12-foot one-sided 1.5-um thick Al-coated foil for GADGET. The remaining foil may be sufficient for use as the PXCT collection foil. Please try to find it. If you can't find it, consider purchasing.\\ 2) The copper gaskets on the top flange and two side flanges have been reused numerous times. To achieve the high vacuum required by the beamline, it is recommended that new gaskets be purchased.\\ 3) There was a twin of MSD12 manufactured by Micron in the same batch. If we get rich, purchase it as a backup.\\ 4) The CP5 plus coldhead can be equipped with water-cooled heat sinks instead of the standard internal cooling fans. A closed-loop chiller and external coolant flow lines need to be provided separately. If we get rich, contact Mirion to add water cooling.\\ PXCT tests July 2023 - May 2024 {{ ::run_log.docx |}}\\ ===== XtRa Temperature Monitor ===== {{ |}}\\ {{ |}}\\ ===== PXCT Test Reports ===== {{ :pxct_hardware_20230726.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_hardware_20230803.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_hardware_20230808.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20230817.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::hardware_setup_for_pxct_20230831.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::software_setup_for_pxct_20230831.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20230907.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_20230921.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_traces_noise_diagnostics.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20231005.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_msd_test_20231011.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20231020.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20231026.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_237np_59kev_lifetime_measurement.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_dsl_si_deadlayer_20231109.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20231221.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20240111.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_target_foils_20240118.pptx |}}\\ {{ :pxct_237np_lifetime_test_20240209.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_coincidence_summing_20240221.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_coincidence_test_20240223.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_timing_coincidence_test_20240301.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_daq_deadtime_gamma_eff_test.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_betagamma_20240319.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_60co_test_20240316.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_compton_scattering_test_2020322.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_technical_20240329.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::ultra-low-q-value-experiment-feasibility-v0.1.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_low_energy_test_20240405.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::ns2024_abstract_dsl_pxct_submitted.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_test_20240412.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_xtra_timing_test_20240417.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_xtra_timing_test_20240418.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::bayesian_fit.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_timing_test_20240426.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_xtra_ge_detector_timing_resolution_60co_20240427.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_xtra_ge_detector_timing_resolution_152eu_20240430.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_warm_up_instructions_20240501.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_xtra_ge_detector_timing_resolution_pulser_20240502.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_v10_20240508.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_timing_20240509.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_v11_20240516.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_lege_msd_detector_timing_resolution_241am_20240522.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::theoretical_rates_20240609.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::lege_x-ray_efficiency_geant4_simulation_20240611.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_v12_20240612.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::pxct_v13_20240624.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::beta_background_simulation_vs_data_20240628.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::59cu_p_α_56ni_reaction_rate_20240702.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::lijie_sun_ns2024.pptx |}} {{ ::refined_pngs_weighting_3class_test_20240627.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::refined_pngs_weighting_3class_test_20240702.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::get-xia_synchronization_20240530.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::get-xia_synchronization_20240531.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::e24joe_20240605.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::dsl2_eec_s2373_presentation.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::dsl2_eec_s2373_proposal.pdf |}}\\ {{ ::dsl_s2193_lifetime_sensitivity_estimation_20240514.pptx |}}\\ {{ ::weghorn_20240528.pptx |}}\\ ===== Data Acquisition System ===== The NSCL Data Acquisition system is a general-purpose nuclear physics data acquisition system in use at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. NSCL Data Acquisition Documentation\\ {{ ::wrede_group_ddas_user_guide_20240312.pptx |}}\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ===== LEGe ===== {{::55fe_x_ray_spec.jpg?600|}} {{::152eu_x_ray_spec.jpg?600|}} {{::241am_x_ray_spec.jpg?600|}} ===== XtRa ===== {{::152eu_info_20240223124946.jpg?600|}} {{:152eu_info_20240223124949.jpg?600|}}