#name of the problem PROBLEM = insertnameofproblemhere # Specify search path for subroutines that perform 1D ppmlr hydrodynamics VPATH = ../PPMLR # # System-dependent parameters # # F90 FORTRAN 90 Compiler # LDR Program to load the objects into an executable, typically the same as F90 # LDFLAGS Flags to pass to the compiler during linking # LIBS A list of libraries to link with the executable, normally only netCDF # # the following is set for gfortran compiler http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortran # F90 = gfortran FFLAGS = -c LDR= gfortran LDRFLAGS= LIBS= # # # List of objects to build multidimensional VH-1 hydro code: VHOBJS = vh1mods.o vhone.o \ ppmlr.o forces.o flatten.o evolve.o remap.o \ states.o boundary.o volume.o riemann.o parabola.o # Lines from here on down should not need to be changed. They are the # actual rules which make uses to build the executable # .SUFFIXES: .f90 .o .f90.o: $(F90) $(FFLAGS) $< vhzero: $(VHOBJS) $(LDR) $(LDRFLAGS) -o vh1-starter $(VHOBJS) $(LIBS); mv vh1-starter ../../vh1-starter-$(PROBLEM) # # clean: rm -f *.o *.l clobber: clean rm -f ../../vh1-starter-$(PROBLEM) rm -f *.mod link: ln -sf vhone_$(PROBLEM).f90 vhone.f90 run: cd ../../; ./vh1-starter-$(PROBLEM) # Dependencies for the object files vhone.o: vhone.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod evolve.o: evolve.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod flatten.o: flatten.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod forces.o: forces.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod ppmlr.o: ppmlr.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod remap.o: remap.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod states.o: states.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod boundary.o: boundary.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod volume.o: volume.f90 global.mod sweeps.mod sweepsize.mod parabola.o: parabola.f90 sweepsize.mod riemann.o: riemann.f90 sweepsize.mod