---- ====== Bad Bursters Logbook ====== ===== Goal ===== We have decided to analyze the accretion onto a neutron star just up until the hydrogen burning begins. We'll first attempt this as an adaptation to the Bondi accretion problem with a solid sphere near the origin (also relevant to the problem of infall onto the proto-neutron star during core collapse). If we're successful, we'll try an accretion disk in 2D with polar geometry. ===== Log Book ===== ===Input: Sarah Schwartz=== * [X] X-ray bursts * [X] Accretion rate ~ 10^-8 Solar Mass / yr * [X] Radius ~ 10-15 km * [X] Mass ~ 1 Solar Mass * [X] Novae * [X] Accretion rate ~ 10^-9 Solar Mass / yr * [X] Radius ~ 10^4 km * [X] Mass ~ 1 Solar Mass * [ ] Density of in falling material * [X] Alpha parameter = 0 * [ ] Determine the input abundances * [ ] Build the nuclear network for the problem * [ ] Take output from the codes * [ ]determine when hydrogen burning begins * [ ]analyze data values to optimize scale(linear vs log) and ranges(0-?) for visualization =====RESULTS===== 1D on a solid surface was successful so the 2D case was the bulk of the project work. The solid case was unstable and resulted in an non-physical explosion. Both the infall and reflective cases were attempted, we found the [] to be optimal. We were able to model a non-viscous and viscous case using hydronamic force and energy equation. Terms for the extremely large B field (10^7-8 T) were not included. Both accreted around the central mass with a large high pressure/empty barrier for the non-viscous case, as the angular momentum is not dissipated. The viscous case correctly accreted on to the surface. [[https://docmgmt.nscl.msu.edu/share/proxy/alfresco/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/8e4a7857-347b-4603-9f64-bf2422ff5e7e/Simulating%20Accretion%20on%20Degenerate%20Matter%20to%20Model%20Surface.pdf|Presentation PDF]] [[https://docmgmt.nscl.msu.edu/share/proxy/alfresco/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/e6353d93-8726-45d6-bcf4-d2e3366fdb46/inviscid.mpg|video of non viscous accretion]] [[https://docmgmt.nscl.msu.edu/share/proxy/alfresco/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/507d83f6-8cc2-46c4-a1ee-34fc6e3e3889/viscous.mpg|video of viscous accretion]] [[https://docmgmt.nscl.msu.edu/share/proxy/alfresco/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/d4a5588e-c2ce-4136-bb49-78cbf8b1e959/zero%20pressure.mpg|video of accidental zero pressure accretion]] References: *Accretion Power in Astrophysics - Frank, King, Raine *Accretion Disk for Beginners : [[http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~ryden/ast825/ | External Link]] (Notes PDF) (further resources in presentation) ~~DISCUSSION|Comments~~