Projects: Projects, Project Ideas

Over the duration of this course we will have two projects, to be chosen by participants. Project topic suggestions are listed above, but you are not limited to those choices.

We will assign 3-person groups for each project (different for each project). Once the group is formed, please follow these 5 steps to get started.

Step 1: Choose Roles

Each person will pick one of three roles, a Code person, a Parameter person and an Analysis person.

Helpful experience that might help make the choice are listed below. Helpful experience that might help make the choice are listed below. These are not required, but if you happen to have the experience in your group you might consider using it.

Step 2: Create Group WIKI & Document Server

After group roles are chosen, each group will set up its own WIKI and document server.

  1. On the WIKI, under groups, create a page with the name of your group. Include the type of project in the name, so one sees right away what astrophysical scenario your group is working on. Example: “Nova_stars”, “r-process_group2”, …. This is where you will log your activities and where you will create an impressive project page with inputs, results, etc.
  1. Go to the Document server and create a folder with the name of your group. This is where you can put all your documents that you might want to share with others (new useful codes, interesting output, presentations, etc etc). Papers can also be posted here without worrying about copyright (remember that the Wiki is public to read)
  1. Create a GITHUB for your project needs…..
    1. setting up github, making simple tests, compiler options etc
      1. documenting source code doxygen
      2. creating unit tests for codes unit tests

Step 3: Read the project description together

Step 4: Prepare for the project according to your role

Step 5: First meeting-start the project