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people:people [2017/04/25 08:54]
fry [NSCL Graduate Organization Representatives 2016]
people:people [2024/06/24 14:57]
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-====== ​NSCL Graduate Organization Representatives ​2017 ======+====== ​FRIB Graduate Organization Representatives ​2023 ======
-All email addresses ​are at,​ except those noted with an asterisk, which are at For more contact information,​ see the [[|NSCL Internal Directory]].+All email addresses are at For more contact information,​ see the [[​NSCL-FRIB%20Employee%20Directory.pdf|FRIB Internal Directory]].
 ^ Position ​                           ^ Person ​          ^ Email     ^ Office ^  ^ Position ​                           ^ Person ​          ^ Email     ^ Office ^ 
-^ President ​                               | Becky Lewis         lewis     1021   |   +^ President ​                               |Lauren Balliet ​          ballietl ​2045    ​|   
-^ Space Committee ​                         | Brenden Longfellow  ​longfell  ​1030   |   +^ Space Committee ​                         |Konstantinos Bosmpotinis ​bosmpoti ​1016    ​|   
-^ Webmaster ​                               | Cathleen Fry        | fry       1019   |   +^ Webmaster ​                               |Joseph Dopfer ​           ​dopfer ​  | 3106-D2 | 
-^ Electronics Committee ​                   | Max Hughes ​         ​hughesm ​  2019   |   +^ Electronics Committee ​                   |Nick Nusgart ​            nusgart  ​1022    ​|   
-^ Social Committee ​                        ​| ​Nathan Watwood ​     ​watwood ​  3106   |   +^ Social Committee ​                        |Cate Beckman ​            beckman  ​2114    ​|   
-^ Seminars ​                                ​| ​Max Hughes ​         ​hughesm ​  2019   |    +^ Seminars ​                                |Joseph Chung-Jung ​       ​jungj    ​1008    ​|    
-^ Grad Recruitment ​                        ​| ​Zach Matheson ​      matheson  ​2067   ​| ​  +^ Grad Recruitment ​                        |Michael Gajdosik ​        gajdosik ​2063    ​| ​  
-^ The VOICE                                | Sean Sweany ​        | sweany ​   | 2017   |   +^ Outreach Committee ​                      |Shane Watters ​           ​watterss ​3106    ​|  
-^ Outreach Committee ​                      ​| ​Becky Lewis         lewis     1021     +^ Diversity Committee ​                     |Cate Beckman ​            beckman  ​2114    ​
-^ Diversity Committee ​                     | Paige Abel          ​abelp     1030     +Curriculum ​Committee ​(Nuclear) ​          |Andrew Smith             smithan ​ ​| ​2116    ​
-WaMPS Lecture Series ​Committee ​          ​| ​Jaclyn Schmitt ​     ​schmittj ​ ​| ​3112     +Curriculum ​Committee ​(Chemistry) ​        |Jordan Cory              | cory     1017    | 
-Safety ​Committee ​                        ​Andrew Lajoie ​      lajoie ​   ​| ​5300   ​|  ​ +^ Curriculum Committee (Accelerator      ​|Jacob Brown              ​brownjac ​TR7     
-^ Curriculum Committee (Physics          ​Cathleen Fry        ​fry       1019   +The VOICE                                ​|Joshua Wylie             wylie    ​2067    ​
-Curriculum Committee (Chemistry, Fall)   Paige Abel          ​abelp     1030   +WaMPS Lecture Series ​Committee ​          ​                ​ 
-Curriculum ​Committee ​(Chemistry, Spring) ​Katie Childers ​     ​childers  ​1021   |+
 [[people:​archive_positions|Archive of representatives from previous years]] [[people:​archive_positions|Archive of representatives from previous years]]
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 The safety committee meets once per month to discuss all safety related issues at the lab. The purpose of the Safety Committee is to assist Laboratory administration in providing a safe and healthy workplace for all faculty, staff and student workers by making recommendations for change on health and safety issues. The committee serves in an advisory capacity on occupational safety and health issues to the Laboratory Director. ​ The safety committee meets once per month to discuss all safety related issues at the lab. The purpose of the Safety Committee is to assist Laboratory administration in providing a safe and healthy workplace for all faculty, staff and student workers by making recommendations for change on health and safety issues. The committee serves in an advisory capacity on occupational safety and health issues to the Laboratory Director. ​
 +==== Curriculum Committee Representative (Nuclear, Chemistry, Accelerator) ====
 +The curriculum committee generally meets a couple times a semester to discuss updates to the curriculum and recommended courses. The FRIBGO representatives ensure that graduate students have a say in what is being taught by representing the opinions of the grad students to the entire curriculum committee. There are three representatives,​ one for each of Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Chemistry, and Accelerator Physics.
 +==== IVCPAC ====
 +The installed video camera program advisory committee (IVCPAC) is responsible for meeting at least biannually as a committee, reviewing metrics to assure efficacy of the Installed Video Camera Program, meeting quarterly to review evidence to assure compliance with the IVCP, and suggesting modifications to the Installed Video Camera Program and IVCP.
people/people.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/17 10:33 by dopfer