Easy GRETINA Decomp File Creation

  • create a new directory ~gretina/DecompParam/detmap_YYMMD
  • copy your detmap files for the individual quads to the new directory (standard format: detmap_Q1.txt)
  • run the script ~analysis/packages/Calibrations/apply_calibration_steps.sh <dirname>
~analysis/packages/Calibrations/apply_calibration_steps.sh .
  • assuming the 10 detmap file exists, this script will create all the necessary decomp files for all gain ranges using the standard naming conventions.
  • You may need to edit the trace gain file for broken segments (i.e. Q4P2, tr_gain_Q4pos2_CC9.txt, set line 25 to 10000.0 and Q8P2 gamma6, line 19 ) OR give SMALL calibration parameter in the detmap_Qx.txt file.
Loading the Decomp Files
  • Copy the setfile. The setfiles are located in ~gretina/DecompParam/ Copy the last setfile to the current date:
cp setFile.2017-02-09 setFile.YYYY-MM-DD
  • Edit the newly created setfile. Perform a search and replace within the new setfile of the old date and replace it with the new date; example using setfile.2017-02-09 one would change:
170209  ->  YYMMDD
  • edit the file ~/grdecomp.sh to point to the new setfile. This is done by editing the variable FILECONF in ~/grdecomp.sh This variable will be the first uncommented line in the file. Best practice is to copy/comment the original line before editing.
Restarting GRETINA Decomp
  • Once the above steps are complete, the decomp process needs to be restarted. This can be done in one of two ways:
    • Press either the GRETINA Stand Alone of GRETINA + S800 button.
    • or run ./grdecomp.sh from a terminal connected to a2.gam (WARNING: this will open the run dialog box on the computer the terminal is open on.)

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