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Meeting Minutes February 17, 2012


Bill, Betty, Dan, Mike, Zibi, Rachel, Suwat, Jack, Bec

Group Business

  • Betty: Lab moving: Asbestos in 124, abating floor. Don't go in there. Some more delay in moving, no updates to schedule
  • Experiment: nothing scheduled yet, probably not running until summer at earliest
  • Zibi: preamp box for Lee's exp: use one that was on top of the S800 chamber? Need a stand/small table?
  • FYI: chipboards from Jack's experiment are at Wash U right now
  • Micron detector: is the cable right? Dan/Mike will check.
  • Bec: Miniball box: new rails (48“) will cost $250. For now we'll put in the rails from Oct 2011 experiment and plan to buy new ones when we need them
  • Rachel: creating a link on wiki for Future HiRA Purchases

Efficiency Program (Jack)

  • Current status of efficiency program: “pixel” refers to HiRA/LASSA, “bin” refers to root plotting
  1. plots pixels from data
  2. For every pixel hit generate 100 random hits spread across the pixel.
  3. suppress any multiple hit in a single bin
  4. Project to 1D in theta: calculates the fraction of solid angle hit in the theta range chosen
  • Betty suggests not randomizing: subdivide the bins evenly, put 1 hit into each, then project


  • Mike: pT vs rapidity for isotopes (p,d,t,3He,alpha). Also plotting cross-sections dM/dEdOmega including lab efficiency for protons, Bill suggests putting all into one plot.
  • Rachel should copy this method and attempt for her data
  • Dan: putting together multi-hit events in neutron walls, trying to see what events did not make the cut. High reject rate in Wall 0 at 120 MeV. When include the PID gates as part of the cut determination, lowers the rejection rate… by a lot. Next step will cut on less overlap with the proton vetoes, should clean up some but not as much.
feb172012.txt · Last modified: 2012/02/17 14:35 by rhodges