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Virtual Summer Seminars will usually be held Wednesdays @ 16:10 online. To accommodate overseas speakers, Thursdays at 11:00 will occasionally be used instead.

Summer 2021

Date Speaker Title Institution Host Notes
2021-05-05 David Bailey U Toronto Nazarewicz
2021-05-12 Jonathan Wilson IJC Lab, Orsay Nazarewicz
2021-05-19 Chuck Horowitz Indiana U Wrede
2021-05-26 Betty Tsang NSCL Gade
2021-06-02 tentative date holiday week
2021-06-10 Kathrin Wimmer CSIC Schmitt Thursday slot
2021-06-17 Claudia Lederer-Woods Edinburgh Gade Thursday slot
2021-06-23 Andrew Ratkiewicz LLNL Chester
2021-07-07 Ani Aprahamian U Notre Dame Wrede
2021-07-14 Iris Dillman TRIUMF Spyrou
2021-07-21 Nick Hutzler Caltech Singh
2021-08-11 NO SEMINAR LECM Aug. 9-11
2021-08-18 Junki Tanaka & Stefan Typel RIKEN & TU Darmstadt / GSI Danielewicz dual seminar
2021-01-25 tentative date MSU classes starting next week

Guidance for Speakers

Guidance for Hosts

Guidance for Chair: Chris Wrede

Guidance for Admin: Jeff Lambert (backup: Jayne True

Current Schedule

Past Schedule

public/upcoming_schedule.1621373002.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/18 17:23 by gade