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The default modalities for Fall 2021 will be virtual until October 15th and in person after October 15th. This is subject to change based on circumstances associated with the pandemic and we will also try to accommodate host and speaker preferences.

Nuclear Science Seminars will usually be held Wednesdays @ 16:10. To accommodate overseas virtual speakers, Thursdays at 11:00 will occasionally be used instead.

Fall 2021

Date Speaker Title Institution Host Notes
2021-09-01 NO SEMINAR MSU first week of classes
2021-09-08 virtual seminar
2021-09-15 virtual seminar
2021-09-23 Miguel Marques LPC Caen, Univ. Normandie, ENSICAEN, Univ. Caen, CNRS/IN2P3 Spyrou virtual seminar Thursday 11:00
2021-09-29 Anton Wallner HZDR Wrede virtual seminar (Thursday 11:00?)
2021-10-07 Robin Ferdinand GANIL Ostroumov virtual seminar Thursday 11:00
2021-10-13 NO SEMINAR APS DNP Meeting
2021-10-20 Robin Smith Sheffield Gade
2021-10-27 Andrew Jayich UC Santa Barbara Singh in person
2021-11-03 Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler UIUC Lee in person
2021-11-24 NO SEMINAR Thanksgiving week
2021-12-15 NO SEMINAR MSU Final Exam week

Guidance for Speakers

Guidance for Hosts

Guidance for Chair: Chris Wrede

Guidance for Admin: Jeff Lambert (backup: Jayne True

Current Schedule

Past Schedule

public/upcoming_schedule.1625073468.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/30 13:17 by gade