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Nuclear Science Seminars will usually be held Wednesdays at 16:10. The modality is flexible including in-person, virtual, and hybrid seminars. To accommodate overseas virtual speakers, Thursdays at 11:00 will occasionally be used instead.

Spring 2022

Date Speaker Title Institution Host Notes
2021-01-12 NO SEMINAR MSU first week of classes
2021-01-19 Yan Zhou UNLV Singh virtual
2021-01-27 Hans-Werner Hammer TU Darmstadt Lee Thursday 11:00am; virtual
2021-02-02 Farheen Naqvi MIT Spyrou virtual
2021-02-09 Hiroshi Suzuki Performance of the RIKEN Fragment Separator RIKEN Tarasov virtual
2021-02-16 John Tomsick Berkeley Wrede virtual
2021-02-23 Ragnar Stroberg ANL Hergert in-person / hybrid
2021-03-02 Peter Mueller ANL Singh virtual
2021-03-09 NO SEMINAR MSU Spring Break
2021-03-23 Todd Satogata JLab Ostroumov virtual
2021-03-30 Arlene Modeste Knowles AIP TEAM-UP Diversity Project AIP Danielewicz W&MLS
2021-04-13 Yvonne Leifels FAIR GSI Lynch
2021-05-04 NO SEMINAR MSU Final Exam week

Guidance for Speakers

Guidance for Hosts

Guidance for Chair: Chris Wrede

Guidance for Admin: Jeff Lambert (backup: Jayne True

Current Schedule

Past Schedule

public/upcoming_schedule.1642440157.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/17 12:22 by wrede