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Nuclear Science Seminars will usually be held Wednesdays at 16:10. The modality is flexible including in-person, virtual, and hybrid seminars. To accommodate overseas virtual speakers, Thursdays at 11:00 will occasionally be used instead.

Spring 2022

Date Speaker Title Institution Host Notes
2022-08-31 NO SEMINAR MSU first week of classes
2022-09-07 Bob Charity Washington U. K. Brown
2022-09-14 Vladan Vuletic MIT Nazarewicz
2022-09-21 Arlene Modeste Knowles AIP Danielewicz W&MLS
2022-10-05 Udo Friman-Gayer Duke and TUNL Beck
2022-10-12 Andrew Steiner UTK Nazarewicz
2022-11-02 reserved
2022-11-09 reserved
2022-11-16 reserved
2022-11-23 NO SEMINAR Thanksgiving week
2022-11-30 reserved
2022-12-07 reserved
2022-12-14 NO SEMINAR MSU Final Exam week

Guidance for Speakers

Guidance for Hosts

Guidance for Chair: Chris Wrede

Guidance for Admin: Beth Hannon (backup: Donna Besinger

Current Schedule

Past Schedule

public/upcoming_schedule.1652707217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/16 09:20 by wrede