Table of Contents

PAN@MSU 2017 information can be found here. Return to the main PAN page at JINAweb.
NOTE: this information will continue to be updated.

Pre-program information

PAN 2017 schedule (2017)

Packing List (2017)

Map of MSU campus highlighting PAN locations (2017)

CATA bus service in East Lansing and Lansing Route 14 from the airport to the CATA Transportation Center, then transfer to Route 1. Exit on Grand River past Abbot, at the north end of campus. It should cost less than $2.

Local Taxi service

PAN rideshare board (coordinate your arrivals/trips from the airport, coming in or going out)

PAN@MSU 2017 Facebook group (2017)

Dietary information for MSU Cafeterias

For students and parents

Student arrival preparations letter (2017)

PAN@MSU Program Handbook for review by student participants and their parents/guardians (2017)

Minor Permission form to tour NSCL (2017)

Minor Permission form to conduct experiments in University labs (2017)

Medical Information form (2017)

Housing rules/consent form (2017)

Media Release Form (2017)

Pre-survey for students (2017)

Parent/family Invitation for Friday Poster Session (2017)

Background information and readings before PAN!

Note: this is not all necessary, but it is all useful

Particle Adventure: A review of particle names and families HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Learn Nuclear Science with Marbles (downloadable lessons and activities, an introduction to basic concepts)

A great summary article on Cosmic Rays

A nice glossary of nuclear terminology

Instructions for the half-life experiment

Play "Isotopolis" now and learn about rare isotope production!

Nuclear shell model and Nuclear density and Nuclear Binding Energy, all from the extremely useful Hyperphysics site

An article on the importance of theory

Other resources on Nuclear Theory

About your host institutions:

From Kirsten Tollefson: - How to Build Your Own Cloud Chamber:

  1. From Fermilab's Symmetry magazine with a nice explanation of what you will see in the cloud chamber and a video on how to make your own using a fish tank: fish tank cloud chamber
  2. A Fermilab video of a 6 year old making her own small cloud chamber using a plastic cup: plastic cup cloud chamber
  3. How to Turn Your Cell Phone into a Cosmic Ray Detector and Become an Astrophysicist: - CRAYFIS
  4. A Popular Science article about the CRAYFIS app (which won a webby award this year):

Yet another cheap homemade cloud chamber - try them all!

Journal article about PAN

Interesting reading about Dark Matter: "The Cosmic Cocktail" by Katherine Freese

NSCL Chart of the Nuclides

Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA), major sponsor of PAN.

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL), major sponsor of PAN.

"For the Love of Physics" references/links

Jefferson Lab's nuclear science education page

Berkeley Lab's introduction to nuclear science

Interactive Chart of the Nuclides

**Week 1 (students)**

Presentation files

JINA-CEE by Micha Kilburn

Nuclear Experimentation by Stephanie Lyons

Radiation Detectors by Marco Cortesi

Gamma Spectroscopy experiment instructions

LBNL Database - Nuclear Data website for Gamma Spectroscopy experiment

NuDAT - MORE Nuclear Data for Gamma Spectroscopy experiment

Nuclear Astrophysics by Luke Roberts

Neutron capture chart activity (r-process and s-process)

Half-Life Determination by Mallory Smith

Radioactivity Measurement by Mallory Smith

Astronomy by Brian O'Shea

Astronomy Hubble Deep Field Exercise

Hubble Deep Field image

Nuclear Theory by Alex Brown

Energy Density Functional Theory problems

Nucleus - the EDFT tool by Alex Brown

Single Atom Microscope by Jaideep Singh

Careers in Research (and beyond) by Zach Constan


Nuclear Science All Stars

Backwards PAN

Magic Numbers

Radiation Detectives

Rapid Proton Process

Team Misfortune



Poster Template (PPT) (make a copy of this file for edit - you can collaborate on Google Drive or similar)

Poster Tips

An example of what NOT to do


PAN Photos! Add your own!

A google doc where you can share resources and opportunities (e.g. camps) for PAN students!

Post-program Surveys

Post-Survey part 1 (

Post-Survey part 2 (