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NSCL Graduate Organization Representatives 2014

All email addresses are at, except those noted with an asterisk, which are at For more contact information, see the NSCL Internal Directory.

Position Person Email Office
President Chris Prokop prokop 1030
Space Walter Buhro buhro 2017
Webmaster Josh Bradt bradt 2048
Electronics Chris Prokop prokop 1030
NSCL Social Kalee Hammerton hammerto 1030
Seminars Wei Jia Ong ong 1022
Grad Recruitment Juan Manfredi manfredi* 1022
“THE Voice” Kenneth Whitmore whitmore 2042
Outreach Charles Loelius loelius 2048
Diversity Review Amy Lovell lovell 2045
Women and Minorities Lecture Series Charles Loelius loelius 2048
Safety Committee Chris Sullivan sullivan 1019

Archive of officers from previous years

people/people.1397773617.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/17 18:26 by bradt