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Poster Template, Logos, Talk Template

NSCL Poster Template (Powerpoint) (52 KiB, 14y ago, 1098 downloads)
NSCL Logo (Green on White, PNG) (127.01 KiB, 10y ago, 1 download)
NSCL Logo (White on Green, PNG) (126.18 KiB, 10y ago, 1 download)
Talk powerpoint template (682.53 KiB, 8y ago, 765 downloads)
FRIB powerpoint template (431.65 KiB, 1y ago, 38 downloads)

The FRIB logos are also available in the portal at this page. This site has most logos that may be needed, as well as maps of the lab.

Poster Printing Instructions

These instructions apply only to the lab's Windows desktop machines. Contact helpme if something goes wrong. There are two poster printers, one on the second floor (room 2040 - mini-Theory Library) and one on the fourth, by the elevator.

  1. Open the prepared PowerPoint file. Check that the file is set for 40 x 32 inches, this can be found under “Design” > “Slide Size” > “Custom Slide Size”.
  2. It is recommended to run a scaled test-print on a standard printer before printing on the plotting printer.
  3. Check that there is enough of the correct paper on the plotter and that ink levels are okay. Email helpme to have paper type changed or more paper/ink installed.
  4. Choose the printer “Nuclear-Plot on WINPRINT” for the second floor printer or “4100-Plot on WINPRINT” for the fourth floor printer.
  5. Go to Print > Properties.
  6. Printer quality is automatically set to “Speed”, change it to “Quality” to avoid lines on the poster.
  7. Set paper size using “Paper Options” > “Document size” > “ANSI E”. (If your poster is not 40 x 32 you may need to find what the correct paper size is for your poster) Hit “Ok” to close pop-up windows.
  8. Under “Settings”, for “Full page slides” uncheck “Scale to fit paper”.
  9. Print your poster!

Windows may sometimes say that the job failed to print, but this isn't necessarily true and it's important to check the printer before you believe the error message.

resources/poster_printing_instructions.1681838650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/18 13:24 by tsantiri