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rxnnetworkex [2014/05/02 09:57]
rxnnetworkex [2014/05/29 08:24] (current)
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-====== ​TALENT ​====== +====== ​EXERCISES ​====== 
-===== Training in Advanced Low Energy Nuclear Theory: ​ EXERCISES ===== +**[[RXNnetworkEX|Reaction Networks]]****[[NuclPhysInput|Nucl Physics Input]]****[[HydroEX|Hydro]]****[[BBNEX|BBN]]**
-[[http://​|{{:​talent.png?​650|Nuclear TALENT}}]] +
-[[RXNnetworkEX|Reaction Networks]], [[HydroEX|Hydrodynamics]], [[AnlyPlot|Abundances, Analysis and Plotting]], [[NuclPhysInput|Nuclear Physics Input]] +
-==== Reaction Network Exercises ====+
-<box 80% left orange|**(Pre-Course Assignment)**>​+<box 80% left blue|**(During-Course Assignment)**>​
-**Downloadcompile ​and run the Reaction Network Code**+  - Make sure everyone got the pre-test done and correct. 
 +  - Re-run the pre-test, reducing the temperature in the thermodynamic file 
 +    ​Find the minimum temperatures at which silicon burningoxygen burning ​and carbon burning occur. 
 +  - Grab a new (larger, 150 species) sunet_sn150.txt from the document server. 
 +    * Rename sunet_150.txt to sunet 
 +    * Build a new Data directory from REACLIB 
 +    * Create a new initial abundance file (matching the composition in the pretest) 
 +    * Run same test problem with new network 
 +    ​Compare results to pre-test. 
 +    ​Compare timing of pre-test to new problem.
-     - Download the [[|Reaction Network Code]]. 
-     - Compile the code with your fortran90 compiler. 
-     - Report in the Reaction Network Code discussion thread your success with machine information. 
-     - Read and set up code to run at fixed temperature and density 
-    * Try various temperatures and densities ​ 
-    * Try different initial compositions 
-    * Do you find Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium (NSE) or Quasi-Static Equilibrium (QSE) at late times? 
-</​box> ​ 
-<box 80% left blue|**(During-Course Assignment)**>​ 
 +Additional possibilities:​
 **Run a reaction network with given nuclear input for:** **Run a reaction network with given nuclear input for:**
   - Fixed temperature and density   - Fixed temperature and density
-    * Try various temperatures and densities ​+    * Try various temperatures and densities
     * Try different network sizes     * Try different network sizes
     * Swap out a reaction rate with a different version     * Swap out a reaction rate with a different version
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   - Temperature/​density trajectories   - Temperature/​density trajectories
-    * $ T(t) = T(0)\exp{(-t/​\tau)} $+    * $ T(t) = T(0)\exp{(-t/​\tau)} $ or $\ T(t) = T(0)(1+\frac{t}{n\tau})^{-n} $
-    * or T(t) = \frac{T(0)}{(1+t/​(n\tau))^n} $ +    * $ [1.+f_{\nu}(T(0))]\rho (t) = \rho (0) [1.+f_{\nu}(T(t))](T(t)/​T(0))^3$
- +
-    * $ \rho (t) = \rho (0) [1.+f_{\nu}(T(t))](T(t)/​T(0))^3$+
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     * How does the trajectory form affect the results?     * How does the trajectory form affect the results?
 </​box>​ </​box>​
 +<box 80% left orange|**(Pre-Course Assignment)**>​
 +**Download, compile and run the Reaction Network Code**
 +     - Download the [[rxnnetcode|Reaction Network Code]].
 +     - Compile the code with your fortran90 compiler, following the instructions in doc/​Compiling.txt in the XNet distribution.
 +     - Report in the Reaction Network Code discussion thread your success with machine and compiler information.
 +     - Run a first test problem, following the instructions in doc/​Running.txt in the XNet distribution. ​
 +       * Your results should look like this figure. {{:​XNet_test.png?​direct&​200}}
 +     - Try various temperatures and densities by changing the th_const file.
 +</​box> ​
 ~~DISCUSSION|Reaction Network Exercises Discussion~~ ~~DISCUSSION|Reaction Network Exercises Discussion~~
rxnnetworkex.1399039078.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/02 09:57 by cyburt