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Code documentation for group $^{\rm BSM}_{\rm\ \ BBN}$

Wrapper script to batch-modify a reaction rate

First of all, we parametrize the reaction rate and the Q-value (for the back-reaction) in the corresponding subroutine in the main code file:

      subroutine rate_png(temp,den,fr,dfrdt,dfrdd,rr,drrdt,drrdd)
      include 'implno.dek'
      include 'tfactors.dek'
      include 'helper_deuteronrate.dek'
! declare the pass
      double precision temp,den,fr,dfrdt,dfrdd,rr,drrdt,drrdd
! locals
      double precision term,dtermdt,rev,drevdt,aa,daa
! p(n,g)d
! smith,kawano,malany 1992
       aa      = 1.0d0 - npgd_a1*t912 + npgd_a2*t9 &
                 - npgd_a3*t932 + npgd_a4*t92 &
                 - npgd_a5*t952
       daa     =  -0.5d0*npgd_a1*t9i12 + npgd_a2 &
                 - 1.5d0*npgd_a3*t912 + 2.0d0*npgd_a4*t9 &
                 - 2.5d0*npgd_a5*t932
       term    = npgd_a0 * aa
       dtermdt = npgd_a0 * daa
! rates
      fr    = den * term
      dfrdt = den * dtermdt * 1.0d-9
      dfrdd = term
      rev      = 4.71d+09 * t932 * exp(-npgd_Eb*t9i)
      drevdt   = rev*(1.5d0*t9i + npgd_Eb*t9i2)
      rr    = rev * term
      drrdt = (drevdt * term + rev * dtermdt) * 1.0d-9
      drrdd = 0.0d0

These parameters should be read in in another subroutine, so they have to be global variables. Hence we create a helper file helper_deuteronrate.dek:

! helper file to create global variables for the n(p,g)d reaction
	real*8 :: npgd_Eb, npgd_a0, npgd_a1, npgd_a2, npgd_a3, npgd_a4, npgd_a5, npgd_a6, npgd_a7 
	common /helpdeut/ npgd_Eb, npgd_a0, npgd_a1, npgd_a2, npgd_a3, npgd_a4, npgd_a5, npgd_a6, npgd_a7 

This helper file needs of course to be added to all subroutines working with these parameters.

We then read in these variables in the net_input subroutine after querying the cosmological variables:

      write(6,02) 'enter a0 to a7, mn and mp => '
      read(5,*) npgd_Eb, npgd_a0, npgd_a1, npgd_a2, npgd_a3, npgd_a4, npgd_a5, npgd_a6, npgd_a7, mn, mp

We then create a wrapper script to read in the parameters from a file, run the BBN code and save the final composition of each run to a new file:

# wrapper script to batch-feed mn, mp and the p(n,g)d rate coefficients into bbn code
### config section ###
inputfile="" #input file containing a column used as label as well as a0-a7, mn and mp for the p(n,g)d reaction rate
variablelabel="Lambda_QCD" #just a label used in the final.dat file
rm $prefix*
while read line; do
  if [ ${line:0:1} != "#" ]; then #skip comment lines
    var=`echo $line | awk '{ print $1; }'`
    params=`echo $line | cut -f2- -d ' '`
    echo -e "\n$params\n$endtime\n$prefixn\n1\n" | ./bigbang_deuteron.out
    #copy header for first file
    if [ $n -eq 0 ]; then
      head -n 2 $prefixn'0002_z1.dat' > $prefix"final.dat"
      echo " * variable varied: $variablelabel" >> $prefix"final.dat"
      awk '{$1=$2="";print;}' $prefixn'0003_z1.dat'  | paste $prefixn'0002_z1.dat' - | sed '3q;d' >> $prefix"final.dat"
    result1=`tail -n 1 $prefixn'0002_z1.dat'`
    result2=`tail -n 1 $prefixn'0003_z1.dat' | awk '{$1=$2="";print;}' # | cut -f3-`
    echo $var" "$result1" "$result2 >> $prefix"final.dat"
done < $inputfile

This script expects an $inputfile as follows (made-up data for now!)

#Lambda	Eb	a0	a1	a2	a3	a4	a5	a6	a7	mn	mp
217	25.82	4.742e4	0.8504	0.4895	0.09623	8.471e-3	2.80e-4	0	0	1.67492721184d-24	1.67262163783d-24
217	27	4.742e4	0.8504	0.4895	0.09623	8.471e-3	2.80e-4	0	0	1.67492721184d-24	1.67262163783d-24
220	27	7.342e4	0.8504	0.4895	0.09623	8.471e-3	2.80e-4	0	0	1.67492721184d-24	1.67492721184d-24

Now, “all” which remains is to figure out how the binding energy, the a's and the nucleon masses depend on $\Lambda_{QCD}$ and to calculate the above table.


The complete BBN code with our changes can be found here.

The rates and other input variables have been calculated outside the BBN code.

group2_code.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/12 17:56 by bartl