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[Group 7]

* Group name: $\nu$Rnet

* Members:

Tony Ahn: Analysis person

Tsung-han Yeh: Parameter person

Bastian Schuetrumpf: Code person

* Motivation

It is possible that electron fraction Ye will affect the neutron density resulting in the abundance pattern of the r-process.

Fig. Schematic representation of the evolutionary stages from stellar core collapse. (Ref. H.Th. Janka, arXiv:astro-ph/0612072)

* Method:

- To simulate r-process using x-net

- To change Ye considering effects of the neutrino driven wind

- To find change of the r-process path and change of the abundance pattern

* Input Parameters:

At first we had to set a reasonable temperature and density trajectory for a neutrino driven wind in which the r-process takes place. We take a realistic trajectory from Raphael Hix the temperature and density profile looks like this:

nu_rnet.1401990898.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/05 13:54 by schutrumpg