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[Group 7]

* Group name: $\nu$Rnet

* Members:

Tony Ahn: Analysis person

Tsung-han Yeh: Parameter person

Bastian Schuetrumpf: Code person

* Motivation

It is possible that electron fraction Ye will affect the neutron density resulting in the abundance pattern of the r-process.

Fig. Schematic representation of the evolutionary stages from stellar core collapse. (Ref. H.Th. Janka, arXiv:astro-ph/0612072)

* Method:

- To simulate r-process using x-net

- To change Ye considering effects of the neutrino driven wind

- To find change of the r-process path and change of the abundance pattern

* Input Parameters:

At first we had to set a reasonable temperature and density trajectory for a neutrino driven wind in which the r-process takes place. We take a realistic trajectory from Raphael Hix the temperature and density profile looks like this:

To set the initial electron fraction $Y_e$ which is equivalent to the proto fraction due to charge neutrality, we ran the nse version of the xnet code. Therefore the lines in the code tagged by !NSE have to be uncommented and the lines tagged by !NOTNSE have to be commented.

nu_rnet.1401993543.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/05 14:39 by schutrumpg