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The NSCL S800 spectrograph

Welcome to the wiki page of the NSCL S800 spectrograph. The page provides technical information about the S800, as well as instructions to operate the S800 prior to and during an experiment.

Technical Aspects of the S800

Operation of the S800

A double peak structure will appear in the TDC for the S800 trigger between the coincidence events and the singles events; the groups are separated by 25 ns because of the delay introduced by the downscaler used for the singles


Before leaving beam with experimenters
Set up current trip points on Linux HV controls
Values used for K-48
5 for CRDC and Ion Chamber anodes and intermediate image ppacs
50 for CRDC drifts
80 for IC drift
Ensure alarms are running
Make sure Linux HV GUI alarms are enabled
Make sure threshold on isobutane level is set up (not currently connected to alarms because they give too many false alarms when communication is lost)
All logs are being recorded
There is no log file for biases controlled by Labview
Linux HV
LabView gas handling system
Note in logbook
Scintillator biases
IC gate biases
Post reference printouts for experimenters
HV status:  a snapshot of HV GUI
Gas handling system status:  a snapshot of LabView window
Create window configuration with summing regions to make it easier for experimenters to track efficiency/performance of all detectors
Setting up coincidences for additional reaction settings in an experiment
Do not need to redo coincidence settup if secondary beam does not change
Might need to redo coincidence setup if secondary beam changes drastically
To watch during experiment
Look for isobutene running out – messes up data over several hours

Experimenters responsibilities

Implementing dE- or TOF-based corrections is part of EXR

More detail needed

Minimum rates required for coincidence setup
Selection of appropriate substitute reactions for coincidence setup
How to feel comfortable that there will not be a problem with FP detector gases running out
Starting alarms
Starting logging

Not covered

Details of mask calibration
Details on implementing dE- and TOF-based corrections
Experiment Types
Experiment planning
Operations software (Barney, QTChan, BLkq...)
Tracking setup
Device Tunning  Process (Focus mode, Dispersion-matching mode, Reaction setting, Unreacted beam)
Mask calibration
Beam blocker use
Setting optimization (tweaks)
Operation Environment System Overview
Dump Switches
Experiment preparation (S800 checklist prior to experiment)
Login strategy
Detectors (TPPACs, CRDCs, IC, OBJ_SCI, S800_SCI, Hodoscope)
Gas Handling system 
Vacuum control
Special considerations for each detector
Shimming OBJ
Replacing OBJ

Advance preparations

start.1387063308.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/14 18:21 by pereira