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Feel free to suggest a particular speaker that you would like to invite. Eventually this list will be used at the beginning of each semester to fill possible empty slots.


  • Put your name, so we know you're real :).
  • If a speaker has already been suggested by somebody else, feel free to add your name in the corresponding box.
Speaker Institution Suggested by Notes

Suggestions for Fall 2020

Speaker Institution Topic Suggested By Notes
Xilin Zhang Ohio State U Strong/Weak Reactions Prev. list Accepted
Tomas Rodriguez U A Madrid Structure, Beyond Mean-Field Prev. list Flight Voucher: Postpone
Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo U Kyoto Cluster structure, light nuclei Prev. list Flight Voucher: Postpone
Titus Morris ORNL Quantum Computing Nmntd. list
Kyle Wendt LLNL Quantum Simulation of Nuclear Dynamics Scott P
Noemi Rocco ANL Quantum Monte Carlo, Lepton-nucleus interactions Nmntd. list Accepted
Sait Umar Vanderbilt U Heavy-Ion fusion, TDHF Witek Accepted
Jacek Dobaczewski U York Nuclear spectroscopy with DFT Witek Invited to Nuclear Science Seminar
Scott Bogner MSU Short-range correlations in a low-momentum picture 3/16 or 3/2
Hans-Werner Hammer TU Darmstadt Effective Field Theories Dean Accepted
Jocelyn Read Cal State Fullerton Nuclear EOS from GW observations Luke Accepted
Sherwood Richers UC Berkeley Neutrino Quantum Kinetics in Compact Objects Luke
Andre da Silva Schneider U Stockholm Nuclear EOS impact on CCSNe and BH formation Luke
Francesca Sammarruca U Idaho Equation of State Roland
Natalie Klco INT/Caltech Lattice QCD / QFT on Quantum Computers Roland Accepted
Ruprecht Machleidt U Idaho Chiral EFT, NN Int Roland Nuclear Science Seminar?
Evgeny Epelbaum U Bochum Roland Nuclear Science Seminar?
nssc/suggest_your_speaker.1604175697.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/31 16:21 by wirth